Extra Money For A Stay At Home Mom

Are you a stay at home mom and want to be close to your children and not miss all those special milestones. You could return to your professional job but then the childcare centre would be bringing up your child with their values and not yours.

Do you really want to only see your children for only a few hours a day?

Wouldn't you prefer to be your own boss and work when it's convenient for you. You may only break even with high gas prices, childcare fees, and work related expenses increasing all the time.

And sitting working in a cubicle all day can be dull, bad for your health and may make you lazy.

One mother said  "It was going to cost $300+/ week to keep all my babies in day care. I would pretty much be working just to pay someone else to watch my kids!".

And you may not have time to do consulting or set up a business even if you weren't working in your corporate job, as most of your time may be taken up caring for your children. Of course you may not break even or even make a profit for years after, which may cause you to draw on your savings. And many people don't have even $50 to their name.

Can your family survive on one income or social security? It may get you the basics and you may make ends just barely meet. But to live comfortablely you need to supplement your income.

It's important as your children grow up to have treats, trips to the movies, and to go shopping and not be told mummy doesn't have enough money. And the time spent with your children is sacred in those early years, and rather than restricting it to 2 days, why not try and find a way to make it 7 days.

Don't forget about the baby expenses. Disposable nappies are expensive, at the rate babies go through them and this expense needs to be met whether your baby goes to creche or stays home with you.

It's important for you to find something to occupy your mind other than watching TV or reading when the baby is asleep. As one mom said "I missed working and felt like all I did was lay around the house".

What are your options?

If you have time and have craft skills you could sell your craft on Etsy, do network marketing, or do surveys.

With Etsy, you can set your own prices, but it's competitive and there is a going rate for products. Like affiliate marketing, network marketing is time consuming if you want to make any money you have to put the time in to network.

Getting paid to complete surveys is more casual. You can complete as many surveys per day as you want. Expect earnings of $5 to $75 per survey. There are no customers to fulfil orders for, nor are you required to keep appointments to network. For a book explaining more about surveys and access to 450 paid survey sites, Click here.


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