Extra Money For A Stay At Home Mom
Are you a stay at home mom and want to be close to your children and not miss all those special milestones. You could return to your professional job but then the childcare centre would be bringing up your child with their values and not yours. Do you really want to only see your children for only a few hours a day? Wouldn't you prefer to be your own boss and work when it's convenient for you. You may only break even with high gas prices, childcare fees, and work related expenses increasing all the time. And sitting working in a cubicle all day can be dull, bad for your health and may make you lazy. One mother said "It was going to cost $300+/ week to keep all my babies in day care. I would pretty much be working just to pay someone else to watch my kids!". And you may not have time to do consulting or set up a business even if you weren't working in your corporate job, as most of your time may be taken up caring for your children. Of course you may not...